Evo Education

Offering Services to All for No Cost 


Evo Education offer's homeschool courses for the following subjects: Computer Science, Web Development, Graphic Design, Software Devlopment, Scratch Development. Check courses tab for more info 

Remote Math Testing 

We offer In-depth math testing for each grade level up to 12th grade. Testing includes questions about all diffrent topics depanding on grade level. This Assesment is recommended to be taken in 3 diffrent parts or can also be taken in one session. please see sessions tab for times

Math Benchmark Testing  

This is for progress monitering keep track of how you are doing with math at the end of each mouth you will be sent a progress report of how you are doing with our math program. please see sessions tab for times

Remote Reading Testing 

Along with math testing we also offer reading testing to anyone. This includes reading short stories and vocabulary. This can also be done in 2 diffrent parts or in 1 session. Please see the sessions tab for available testing sessions